FAMILY AT HOME // The Sanford Family

Colby and Alicia live a life of intention and artful trust that I deeply admire. This is our second time collaborating to make portraits of their family. This time Faye greeted me by name. She’s grown. We all have, but most obvious is her growth. She answered a question of, “Faye, what kind of cheese do you like?” with “SWISS!”. Her parents erupted in laughter and so did I.

We didn’t spend nearly as much time at the Sanford home as last year, opting to visit nearby Rock Canyon Park- exploding with the happy subtle fall colors often found in Colby’s home-centric painted celebrations of home and family relationships. The weather was brisk, the colors rich, and the sky was perfectly overcast (my preferred climate for photo session days).

This session Alicia wore a stunning red linen two-piece dress that she sewed and an abstract pattern crop. Colby’s knit cap and Faye’s cardigan are also Alicia’s creations. It is so easy to join Colby in seeing Faye and Alicia as generous muses.

See Colby’s prolific and moving painting HERE